Training Materials
for Solar Company Installers

ezSolarLoan Partners HelpSite – Organized like a wiki, this is a complete explanation of the ezSolarLoan Solar Company Portal and how to use it. Password is “fasttrack”.
ezSolarLoan Checklist (PDF) – Everything you should ask about and discuss with your prospects during a sales call.
Guide to ezSolarLoan Applications, Approvals and Loan Documents (PDF) – A one-page reference guide or “cheat sheet” for the sales team to review before meeting with a prospect.
The Complete Story for an ezSolarLoan (PDF) – A four-page narrative that lays out the full process, start to finish, so you know exactly what to expect.
Pro Tips – Tools to Securely Provide Information (PDF): Advice on how to upload documents into ezSolarLoan, including Verification of Income (VOI) and identification, featuring direct links and explanations.
Pro Tips – Getting from Approved to Funded (PDF): Advice on the quickest, easiest ways to get from your customer’s approval to funds in your account.
Pro Tips – Faster Decisions (PDF): Advice for you and your customers on what information to provide to get the fastest and most advantageous credit decisions.